Retratos Imperfectos

It is impossible to ignore the attraction that we feel for what is biologically eccentric. The weird shapes, the duplicated appendices, the missing parts, the especially big, the surprisingly small and the characteristically unique are all features that awake our curiosity. This curiosity is not, in itself, a value judgement nor does it imply a moral preconception. The problem arises when a negative connotation is stitched to this natural fascination.
.Old photographs are reinterpreted to rescue and revalue the identity of those historic characters captured by the camera. In changing the media, from photo to drawings and sculptures, the morbid exploitation emphasized in the original image for advertising purposes is eliminated and, in some way, gives the photographed characters their proper place as persons. In the end, imperfection deserves to be portrayed as much as beauty.

Ana Bellido
Bachelor Fine Arts Mexico City, Mexico