Hollard Ascend

The client was after a “game changer” - a completely unique way of viewing and understanding your financial data.

We have consistently aimed for light, fresh, friendly interfaces, that explain information boldly, plainly and with very little jargon to help the user understand the reality of their situation without feeling intimidated.

This tool provides a 360-degree view of your position as a client without having to do all the homework yourself.

It aids in the client understanding a vast and complex dataset.

It allwos for meaningful interaction with the information and your advisor

Promoting optimism and action even when the financial situation is not ideal
and educating the user around financial principles

The project was delivered to an extremely happy client and in addition was a finalist in the 2013 Bookmark Awards in multiple craft categories, namely: Tech & Innovation as well as UI, UX & navigation.

Amy Ellman
Cross Channel Design Manager - UX&UI Cape Town, South Africa