Mood Board - This assignment was to take a brand and extend it beyond what the brand currently stands for. We decided to associate Metromint more with therapy and relaxation. This is the mood board I created for the project.
Aquablog - A blog was created for people to share their feelings about Metromint. Since we created different aspects of the brand, different tabs of the blog were created; Metroblog, Yoblog, and Splog.
Yoga Poster - I partnered Metromint with a local yoga center. If you schedule for classes sponsored by Metromint you get a free mint water.
Metromint Spa Line - We created a spa line to mimic the the flavors of the water and extend the idea of Aquatherapy.
Metromint Branding Extension
Amy Bornstein
Freelance Graphic Designer Phoenix, AZ