Thesis_Valle del Cauca's Materials - Development, analysis, recuperation and application of natural fibers, that haven't been applied in Cali. We implemented Fique like our special fiber for investigation and we discovered a new way to use this material with the design of a furniture system. First semester, year 2004 ICESI University Angelica Velez / Giulia del Colle
Carvajal S.A. / Flexa S.A. - Industrial Designer. product design, ECODESIGN, Use recyclable materials to design urban furniture period> 7th semester / agost - november 2003
Web site - Web site for Vectorial Studios, where i work as a freelance:
INNOVATION 2004 - "Industry with 6th sense" Design Month / Cali Period - march 15 - april 15 In charge of: concept and promotion
Web site - Web site for a project with Vectorial Studios