To perceive is mean when you see something and keep it inside your mind, and to interpret is mean you express that thing in your mind out to public.
In this first project, I prefer my picture drawing, I think I can collect almost every points on my face more than the another one that I draw from my memory. Because of the miror help me a lot, so I can see every little details on my face. However, for the another one, I did not draw well because it was very hard to think all the details on someone face and draw it to paper perfectly.
I think we use 'symbol system' on the portrait as base for the next step more than use it as details on the face.
As i said above, I prefer draw from observation more than memory because it is easier to correct all of the little datails if you draw a portrait, but if you draw other thing, such as character design or the art work that need something creative more than something realistic, drawing from memory is better.

To perceive is mean when you see something and keep it inside your mind, and to interpret is mean you express that thing in your mind out to public.
In this first project, I prefer my picture drawing, I think I can collect almost every points on my face more than the another one that I draw from my memory. Because of the miror help me a lot, so I can see every little details on my face. However, for the another one, I did not draw well because it was very hard to think all the details on someone face and draw it to paper perfectly.
I think we use 'symbol system' on the portrait as base for the next step more than use it as details on the face.
As i said above, I prefer draw from observation more than memory because it is easier to correct all of the little datails if you draw a portrait, but if you draw other thing, such as character design or the art work that need something creative more than something realistic, drawing from memory is better.