BetterWorld Conference Collatoral - Program Book Flyer distributed at partner events
BetterWorld Conference Collatoral - Front of Flyer: the color box contains the mission statement of MIT's key phrase "betterment of humankind" on which our conference name was based.
BetterWorld Conference Collatoral - Program Book: spread on Dean Kamen, our keynote speaker highlighting key quotes by him and other members of the press. We also secured permission to republish an article about him from an MIT Press published books on inventors.
BetterWorld Conference Collatoral - Program Book: Spread on Topic 3: Future of Sustainable Energy Each speaker is listed, their brief bios and the panel information. - Overview Page
Speaker Page
BetterWorld Conference Collatoral - Name Badge The color stickers are covering a circle containing the words "The topic that most interests me". Each attendee was encouraged to choose the color sticker assigned to each topic to aid conversation during networking opportunities.
BetterWorld Conference Collatoral - Name Badge The back listed each topic, chronologically listed speakers and gave directions on how to find the alternative meeting space.
BetterWorld Conference