A 3D Interactive Exebition of Frank L. Whrights "The Living City" - My Idea is to create a exhibition orientated in 3D Animation Design, creating a digital world and scenes that act as backdrops. The guests will interact with the 3D holograms and images coming from projectors from the top creating a show reel.
The Living City "A Solution for a city that is healthy, humane and beautyfull" Frank L. Whright - The use of 3D slides generates a visual acoustic and stimulus. The varying speed of the images varies from one side to another creating the ilusion of a spatial gradation of different levels. Using Frank L. Wright's drawings of his perfect "Living City" is a great tool which then manipulated into a 3D form creates a virtual city.
Initial Concept Sketch - A Visual Stimulus in 3D Form Here you see my first concept drawing were the thought of materials from the wire support and the access inside the spiral tube are put together. There are 3 suspension pillars allowing for circulation under the tube so all space is used. There are 3 wire frame spirals to support the glass frame. The devices used are internal projectors with images on polyhedrons with polarizable crystal faces projection method.
An intervention of a space within a space. - This Spiral Tube is an Intervention of a space within a space, drawing the guests inside in a spiral movement. I wanted to find a way were the guests would fell completely involved and could also interact.
A 3D Interactive Exhibition
Alexandra Maia
Branding and Marketing Communication Dubai, United Arab Emirates