Bubble shoes - Product Concept - Shoes for leisure, summer, winter time, elegant, sporty, casual, brown, blue, black... an infinite number of combinations for the fashion accessory, which besides the elementary function, the protection of our feet, expresses and represents also ourselves, our style, values, taste, personality... Due to all these factors, we are again and again compelled to buy new and new shoes despite the fact that the last year?s shoes are still in imeccable condtition. They are just out of this years trends. I have pursued my goal from the starting point: the convergence of fashion trends and functionaliti, intended purpose (elegance, casual, sporty look...), the possibility of expressing your own values, lifestyle, practicality... Thus, I have designed the platform, a transparent shoe, the purpose, style, self expression and lifestyle of which are determined by the designes of the stocking. The shoe itself is made of a durable sole, resistant to scratches and shock, and of a vamp, which is composed of two layers os silicon plastic with compressed gass in between. The vamp is vapour permeable, airy and at the same time water-resistant. It features excellent thermal protection, but still reveals our foot and ourselves. Our foot is thus put on display, in position for you to provide it whit a ?make up? according to your own judgement, choice and courage. In addition, you can also buy stockings, specially designed for this purpose, and thus determine the purpose, style and the activity, into which you are entering. The design of the stockings is, so to speak, unlimited and for the first time not hidden.
Wireless Light Switch - Product Concept - From the present perspective it is safe to label this segment of products as antiquated. The manufacturing process itself stubbornly clings to the established and routine guidelines, which, due to the enormous costs of manufacturing primarily raise the price of an individual product, and secondarily, do not allow the democratization of the design, neither from the price, nor from the design standpoint. The NG concept rejects such dogmatic approaches in the design and manufacture of products.