Portrait of Woman – Inward - Watercolor portrait of woman's face, looking inward.
Portrait of a Woman – Outward - Watercolor portrait of a woman, looking outward into the world, engaging the viewer.
Two Girls Reading - Watercolor. This piece was created for auction to generate funds for a library project in Africa.
Nude Reclining - Charcoal and Chalk sketch on kraft paper of Reclining Nude. 20 minute pose.
Nude Sitting, Rear View - 10 minute sketch of nude model, sitting, rear view. Charcoal and chalk on kraft paper.
Heart - Oil pastel sketch. Inspirations: simple joy, color, spontaneity.
The Barber of Seville - Oil Pastel and Charcoal. This piece was used as the logo graphic for The Boston Lyric Opera's performance of The Barber of Seville in 2002.
Adbstract, Surge - Acrylic on canvas painting. Inspired by a surge of driving energy; love as the ultimate creativity.
Traditional Media
Alicia Nagel
Design and Brand Strategy Portland, OR