
For the final project in my Foundation Studio 2 class, I created a 48 page magazine. The project was supposed to be personal and emulate the type of work you'd like to do in the future.
I did the planning, layouts, created ads to make it feel more like a magazine, took photos of my friends in a studio, interviewed my friends, and wrote articles. The magazine is titled The Catalyst and it's centered around being the change you wish to see in the world. All of the articles are about overcoming a struggle and/or maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I only had 2 weeks to do the giant project and I managed to get it done in roughly 40 hours. Considering I was in a beginning graphic art class with absolutely no background on printmaking, binding, or layouts, I love the final product.
* Note that all of the advertisements use pictures and graphics from outside sources. I did not create those and they were properly cited on my physical project.

Ali Cannon
Freelance Graphic Designer Pittsburgh, PA