Photoshop Render 1
Photoshop Render 2
Photoshop Render 3
Photoshop Render 4
Further Ideation 1
Further Ideation 2
Final Form Sketch
SolidWorks SLDPRT 1
Initial SolidWorks Render 1
Initial SolidWorks Render 2
Initial SolidWorks Render (bottom plug) 1
Initial SolidWorks Render (bottom plug) View 2
Initial SolidWorks Render (bottom plug) Closeup Detail
Final SolidWorks Render
Final SolidWorks Render (open bottom) Scene 1
Final SolidWorks Render (w/ pepper) Scene 2
Final SolidWorks Render (product family) Scene 3
CB2 | StarWars | Product Family

Creating a family of products for the apartment line at CB2 (client) with a given specific style inspiration (StarWars). These products are intended to recall the visual elements from the design of the particular design inspiration.

Alex Pudlik
Industrial Designer Stillwater, MN