Starbucks Coffee Belt Map (2014) Store: Ningbo Southern Business Interior design: Blake Takamura & Alexis Landry
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Starbucks Coffee Belt Map (2013) Store: Kunshan Zhouzhang Water Village design: Wei Xu and Alexis Landry
Map illustration & design for Starbucks @ Nanjing Sunning Hua Hai Road Store. Designers: Lisa Hodapp-Balch & Alexis Landry
Starbucks Coffee Belt Map (2014) highlighting Karnataka Design: Mika Fukui
Map Illustration (2015) Starbucks Suzhou Yongzhen Store Design: Casey McManemy & Alexis Landry
Starbucks Origin Ink Drawings reproduced throughout China Starbucks stores 2013-2014
Elephant illustration in Starbucks Suzhou Shaomenzhen (2014)
Tiger illustration in Starbucks Suzhou Shaomenzhen (2014)
Interior Cafe View - Starbucks Suzhou Shaomenzhen (2014)
Origin Tiger installation (2014) Starbucks Taicang store, Nanjing design by Blake Takamura and Alexis Landry
Handwriting installation 2016 - Fremont Starbucks, Seattle Design: Brian Von Stimpdonk & Alexis Landry
Coffee Bean & Flower mural - Shanghai Village Starbucks (2016) Design: Jennifer Liu & Gina Englund illustration by Alexis Landry
My illustrations and designs - reproduced for Starbucks Coffee China

Specific artwork contributions are shown here. In our collaborative studio, I am often called upon to help direct or create special art installs for my design peers. My maps, animals, and coffee plant illustrations have be reproduced hundreds of times throughout Starbucks stores in China.

Alexis L. Landry
Design Manager Seattle, WA