Grace, 2014 Top/over Camera Settings: - ISO 400 - Shutter 1/160 - F4 What I changed in PS: - Raised contrast - Raised brightness - Cropped - Rotated - Changed levels - Raised vibrance - Applied orange filter - Added vignette border
Grace, 2014 Under/low Camera Settings: - ISO 16000 - Shutter 1/1600 - F6.3 What I changed in PS: - Raised contrast - Raised brightness - Changed levels - Raised vibrance - Used dodge tool on eyes - Added vignette border
Chloe, 2014 Close-up Camera Settings: - ISO 3200 - Shutter 1/30 - F4.5 What I changed in PS: - Raised contrast - Raised brightness - Raised vibrance - Used dodge tool on eyes - Added vignette border - Applied sharpness
Chloe, 2014 Environment Camera Settings: - ISO 3200 - Shutter 1/30 - F4.5 What I did in Photoshop: - Raised contrast - Raised brightness - Raised vibrance - Applied sharpness - Added vignette border
Grace, 2014 3/4 Shot Camera Settings: - ISO 1250 - Shutter 1/60 - F4.5 What I changed in PS: - Raised contrast - Raised brightness - Raised vibrance - Applied sharpness - Added vignette border
Unedited, 3/4 Shot, 2014
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Unedited, Under/low, 2014
Pet Portraits

These photos represent my animals because they are where they love to be and you can tell. My gray cat, Grace, loves the outdoors and she goes out whenever she can. In the photos she is either rolling around on the ground or exploring my backyard. Chloe, my other cat, is not as keen about the outdoors, so she instead looks out the window curiously. Chloe is also a lazy cat and sleeps a lot as you could see in one of my photos.

Alex Dizon
Student Sparta Township, NJ