This is an image of the gear drive mid-print after changing colors from yellow to blue.
As shown here, it is clear to see that this gear drive was actually printed as one solid part. After the build is complete, the support material between the layers must be removed. In order to do this, the part then must be placed in a special bath that can dissolve the unwanted support material.
My new fan blade design is much stronger and powerful than my previous design displayed below.
My new handle design allows users to spin the gears much easier than previous design displayed below. I also manipulated the design to add supports in order to provide a more sturdy feel.
Stratasys Fortus 400mc 3D Printer
White ABS Monofilament
The brown material is support material that is dissolvable after printed.
Multi-Colored Planetary Gear Drive

Summer 2015
As a personal design project of my own, this project demonstrates the capabilities that Additive Manufacturing have. This gear drive was printed in one single print. Thanks to support material, all movable parts in the gear drive were able to be printed in one single print.

Alex Boulger
Additive Manufacturing R&D Intern at Oak Ridge National Laboratory Knoxville, TN