Alice in Wonderland inspired page layout series (front cover)
Alice in Wonderland inspired page layout series (inside spread)
Alice in Wonderland inspired page layout series (back cover)
Formal Page Layout
Point, Line & Plane Final
Design for Good Magazine, article about stagnant wages. Spread 1
Design for Good Magazine, article about stagnant wages. Spread 2
"Album Cover" encasing the Prince Book I made
An inside spread of the Prince book
Discography spread of Prince book where each year of his musical career flips to reveal his hit songs of that year plus photos/album covers.
Expressive Page Layout
Poster design on activism topic of student’s choice. My goal was to target a younger audience through illustration while continuing to raise awareness about global warming in order to help save the polar bear from becoming extinct. 11x17” Laser Print on Photo Paper.
Visual Communication Design
Alexandra Fulcher
Student at Kent State University Kent, OH