Original product drawings and initial sketching development
My digital tool designs using Corel Draw and Pro Desktop
Initial card, foam and MDF moddels after producing sketches of the design
Final bike tool product with stages of development
Allen Key Bike Tool

I have a huge interest in mountain biking and during my spare time I try to get out as much as I can. One of the essential tools for regular bikers is an Allen key tool. I decided to take one of my current Allen key sets which I own and to improve the function of the product and to improve the aesthetics of it. I wanted to make the tool easier to use, I did this by taking anthropometric measurements to allow a fingers thickness inside the product to take each Allen key out one by one. To improve the aesthetics I added subtle details such as the chamfer along the edge of my panel, I also changed the shape of the component based on Zaha Hadid's Vitra Fire Station.

Alexander Dangerfield
Online Portfolio Guildford, United Kingdom