Drawings and illustrations Drawings and illustrations from Aleksandra Melnikova Drawings and illustrations Drawings of different periods - free-hand Drawings of different periods - free-hand Drawings of different periods - free-hand Drawings of different periods - free-hand Drawings of different periods - free-hand Drawings of different periods - free-hand Illusrations Illusrations Illusrations Questions - If objects only could make their questons, what would it be like? Illusrations wild or - sketching berries, work-in-progress shoot it - sometimes - not words Waterdrawing How many apples do you see? House on A - would you build on A? Bath adventure - waiting to face future travells still life house overlooking the bushes star - sewed the sky and came to visit IA - Drawing cartoons gLike Drawings and illustrations Illustrator Illustration Share R 7 n Aleksandra Melnikova London, United Kingdom Follow Contact