FETISH FANTASY LINGERIE PACKAGING – Box packaging for a line of fetish inspired lingerie. The boxes feature a felt texture in the design of ripped fish-net stockings.
FETISH FANTASY LINGERIE BOX ART – Artwork assembly for Fetish Fantasy Lingerie showing the textured panels as well as the back of the box.
JUICY JEWELS PACKAGING – Blister pack clamshell packaging for Juicy Jewels line of products. This packaging showcases the vibrant colors of the product themselves.
JELLY GEMS PACKAGING – Box packaging for Juicy Jewels. The boxes feature see-thru acetate to showcase the texture and color of the product. There is even a 'feel-me' button so the purchaser can feel the actual texture.
ICICLES BOX PACKAGING – Box packaging for a line of glass massagers called Icicles. The boxes feature beautiful actual size images on all sides. Simple, clean and elegant.
ICICLES BOX UNFOLDED FLAT – Artwork assembly for Icicles. The panels showcasing the actual images against black and white. Clean & simple design.
FETISH FANTASY LIMITED PACKAGING – Fetish Fantasy Series Limited box packaging. This line of product was inspired by the series of books 'Fifty Shades of Gray'. The artwork features no-color images to keep in line with the erotic and dark theme.
PASSION LUBES – Passion Lube bottles. These feature different colors to look as if the liquid inside is two-toned.
NEON LINE PACKAGING – Neon line of products created with acetate packaging and neon colors. The line has several items and products and when they are all displayed together they form a cohesive merchandising display.
SILICONE FETISH FANTASY PACKAGING – Box packaging for Fetish Fantasy Elite Silicone. The boxes feature 'reptile' textured side panels in vibrant coloring.
LOTIONS AND BOXED SETS –  Some clam shell in a box packaging as well as some lotion bottle designs for Spencer's Gifts stores.
LE' REVE PRODUCT PACKAGING –  Box packaging for Le'Reve. The boxes feature high-contrast and vibrant color images against a flat black floral background.
Packaging Design
Albert Ostiz
Graphic Artist | Packaging Designer | Photoshop Retoucher | Photographer Los Angeles, CA