ArcShelters built with ArcSys

So many disasters we hear of so often in the news resonate with desperate people waiting, waiting... and waiting, for days. Will those remotely designed shelters arrive? Will they work? This is at best humiliating and an enemy of hope, the fundamental key to survival. A New Disaster Relief Business Model is called for and it is on the horizon. New, proven, simple, versatile technology in a system that empowers and employs people to help themselves. Our metal ‘Arc’ ensures people can erect real disaster protection kits in minutes. Disasters don’t end or follow scripts like the news coverage does, so our truly smart semi-rigid design features can tweak & evolve or be fully reinvented as situations demand. Our universal device leads to a truly better design and business model, where all real costs are minimized and global pre-deployment is feasible, while each disaster-threatened community is employed. Our plan inspires bright futures and esteem after disasters, not dependance on charity.

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Addison Lanier
Addison Lanier - Industrial Designer Vancouver, Canada