Adaptive use of water-jet technology

Project Brief: Fabrication of a fixture to precisely machine thermoelectric oxide materials on water jet cutter, for thermoelectric module assembly.

Designed a fixture to hold 20mm x 4mm x 2mm ceramic oxide material for precise machining into 4mm x 4mm x 2mm legs using a water jet cutter. This fixture was developed as a cost effective alternative to the absence of Diamond Head cutting machine on-campus. Alpha prototype was 3D printed and the effect of the cutting forces and the rigidity of the fixture was analyzed over the precision of the cut. DFMA principles were latter applied to fabricate the final aluminum fixture.

This solution was suggested during the team brain storming session. The idea was initial under doubt and the alternative of outsourcing the job with lead time of 1 month and cost of around $5000 was weighed. The proved success of this fixture avoided the lead time and extra cost and thus saving research funds.

Akul Chodankar
Mechanical Engineer Rochester, NY