One-Handed Keypad - Concept refinement drawings based on a keypad technology and technique developed by an engineer in Arizona. Go to to see pictures of prototypes, explanations of the chord system of typing, and to download a schematic of the invention.
Ice Hockey Chest Protectors - Idea generation sketches for varying levels of skill.
Airstream Bookmobile 2010 - Concept for next generation of Airstream trailers. Bookmobile functions as information & entertainment provider to rural areas to help bridge growing gap surrounding WWW connectivity. Unique "stack" deployment and living rooms allow for additional programming and community building.
Arc Locus Two-Way Communicator - Plastic housing redesign. Research and development of two-way communicator targeting pre- and early teens. Physical prototype modeled in styrene and high-density foam. Computer modeled in Rhino and rendered in Flamingo & Photoshop.
Personal Communications Assistant - Conceptual exploration focused on next generation synthesis of cell phone, text messager & simple digital camera. Rendering project emphasizing ideation and presentation.