Speakers Ned Kaufmann and Thomas King speaking before the 2012 UK HPGO New Voices, Current Needs Symposium.

Friday afternoon's presentation was delivered by Stanley Lowe. Stanley Lowe is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Pittsburgh Neighborhood Preservation Services. He is also the former Executive Director of the City of Pittsburgh Housing Authority, was the Vice President of the Neighborhood Revitalization Department of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and has worked for years to channel energy, attention and resources toward economic development in low income urban neighborhoods.
Video of Presentation:
Friday morning's event was opened by Thomas King. Thomas F. King is one of the nation’s foremost authorities on archaeological policy and cultural resource management law. He has authored many books, including Cultural Resource Laws and Practice, and Places that Count: Traditional Cultural Properties in Cultural Resource Management.
View of Presentation:

Thursday morning's lecture was given by local preservationist Alicestyne Turley. Alicestyne is a Assistant Professor in the Pan African Studies Department at the University of Louisville, and is the Director of the Underground Railroad Research Institute. Dr. Turley is also a member of the City of Louisville Historic Landmarks and Preservation Districts Commission.
Video available at:

Thursday mornings lecture was given by Ned Kaufmann. Ned Kaufman is the founder of Place Matters and of Pratt Institute's graduate program in Historic Preservation. His most recent book, Place, Race and Story provides critical reflection on future directions for the historic preservation movement, focusing on the future role of meaning in historic preservation efforts.
Video of lecture available at: