Wedding Invitation - Invitation design taken from ribbon (navy, pink, green) at the bride's request. Researched and chose paper stock, designed internal pages, monogram & front closure tab.
Wedding Invitation - Invitation design taken from ribbon (navy, pink, green) at the bride's request. Researched and chose paper stock, designed internal pages, monogram & front closure tab.
Event Invitation - Researched and chose paper stock, designed internal pages & front closure tab. Printed & assembled the entire ensemble.
Event Invitation - Researched and chose paper stock, designed internal pages & front closure tab. Printed & assembled the entire ensemble.
Event Invitation - Researched and chose paper stock, designed internal pages & front closure tab. Printed & assembled the entire ensemble.
Event Invitation - Researched and chose paper stock, designed internal pages & front closure tab. Printed & assembled the entire ensemble.
Event Invitation - Researched and chose paper stock, designed internal pages & front closure tab. Printed & assembled the entire ensemble.
The Dye Preserve - Women's Invitational card - 5" x 7" cards mounted on chocolate brown plike stock.
Amy Hillberg
Graphic Designer Haverhill, FL