3D Modeling Practice - Precision model built in Rhino. Keychain camera by Vivitar. Rendered in Hypershot.

3D Modeling Practice - Precision model built in Rhino. Keychain camera by Vivitar. Rendered in Hypershot.

Xacto 2.0 Final Design front view - Various concave and convex surfaces with texturing to allow for control in multiple grips. Sliding button mechanism allows for quick blade changes. Flat end allows for easy removal of staples and precise creasing of paper.

Xacto 2.0 Final Design rear view - Various concave and convex surfaces with texturing to allow for control in multiple grips. Sliding button mechanism allows for quick blade changes. Flat end eases in removing staples and creasing paper.

Xacto 2.0, Form Study group 1 of 2 - Preliminary physical sketching models focusing on different ergonomic solutions.

Xacto 2.0, Form Study group 2 of 2 - Physical Sketching models focusing on a particular aesthetic.

Laser Gun - Traditional model making meets sci-fi style. This was my first ever model making project. We were constrained by the following: foam prototype of a personal electronic device no larger than 6x6x2. I wanted to make something that looked "dangerous" yet inviting.

Laser Gun rear view - Traditional model making meets sci-fi style. My first model making project. This form development is meant to be dangerous yet fun.

Wall tile installation for lounges and night clubs - Designed with internal diffused LED lighting, which casts colored shadows on the "3D" canvas of the ceramic tiles. Full portfolio feature to follow soon!

Wall tiles illuminated - An iPhone picture of the tiles illuminated. Studio pictures to follow.

Rotary Tool concept 2 - 2nd concept for an improved rotary tool device. Yellow silicone rubber areas provide vibration damping. Jointed design allows for more ease of use.

30min marker sketch of retro inspired plasma pistol.

Swiss Army Knife - Gouache painting of a Swiss Army Knife. The concept is to explore colors that make the tool look more useful and less threatening.

The Angry Swede (2007) - We were tasked to create autonomous sumo robots from a limited parts bin. They would compete in a tournament as the final for our Design Problem Solving class. My design incorporated two elements that lead it to an undefeated victory: Adjustable forward biased weighting, and a wedge front.

WiFi Box - Desk organization box. An exercise in exacting hand measurements.

Samsung Photoshop Render - Photoshop CS3 render of a Samsung flip phone. Assigmnet is to take a hi-res photo and render it digitally.

Illustrator CS3 render of Microsoft Intellimouse - Practice rendering products. Stock file is assigned, and we render it in Illustrator.

Snow Crawler children's toy - Neupastel render of a wooden children's toy. Inspiration came from Star Wars and the Calello Automoblox series.