Poster Design: Bonnet House Museum & Gardens. - This poster was designed for the Bonnet House Museum & Gardens. I felt that it was important for the poster to elaborate on music and plants/flowers. The design elements were used to move the reader's eye and add an artistic feel to the piece. The picture of the Bonnet House was used to give viewers an idea of where the event is taking place; filters were applied to the image to make it look as if it was drawn with colored pencils. The photograph was provided by the client. Program(s) used: Adobe Illustrator; Adobe Photoshop; QuarkXPress.
Editorial Spread: Guinness World Record. - This assignment was done for a Contemporary Design class. The editorial is about a man by the name of Michel Lotito who is in the Guinness book of world records for the world's strangest diet. While the body copy interacts with the table setting, the important parts of the story can be obtained when read. The photographs were taken by me. Program(s) used: Adobe Photoshop.
Book Cover: Typography is fun! - This was done for a project at school. The assignment was to create a medium that promotes or discusses typography. Since type and fonts are the selling point, I felt it was best for the type to take up more than 80% of the layout. The shapes, lines and colors were used to make the piece fun and bright, which is why I strayed away from using black in the design. Program(s) used: Adobe Illustrator; QuarkXPress.
One side of a 4 panel brochure for Jay's Learning Center. Program(s) used: Adobe Illustrator; Adobe Photoshop.
Billboard: Brian's Bakery. - This billboard was created for a Corporate Identity class in which we were required to create a company logo, stationery and collateral. I chose to do a bakery; creating a fun and humorous identity. Despite our age, we all have a sweet tooth. Therefore, I not only wanted to target a younger crowd, but an older audience as well. The photographs were taken by me. Program(s) used: Adobe Illustrator; Adobe Photoshop.
Poster Design: Whole Foods Market. - This project began in a class I was taking, which was taught by award-winning artist, Ciro Marchetti. The assignment was to draw a fruit or vegetable, I chose a carrot for one reason or another. Over time I was able to apply my illustration to a type of marketing medium. I am very satisfied with how well the headline fit the format as well as the overall result. Program(s) used: Adobe Illustrator; Adobe Photoshop; Adobe InDesign.

Everything from posters and editorial spreads to billboards and book covers.

Anthony Gallegos
Graphic Designer Hollywood, FL