Bombay Sapphire Designer Glass Competition 2006 - World Finalist 2006. Winner of Russia Final.
Planet Halo - Scope of work: -mechanical design -CAD rendering -contacts with the Customer -contacts with prototype's parts manufacturers -aluminum parts CNC milling -prototypes assembly and testing
Paging receiver - Scope of work: - Industrial design (concepts sketching) - CAD rendering - Mechanical engineering (3D modeling etc.) - Contacts with the Customer and vendors - Prototypes and pre TR samples assembly and testing - Production inspection and MP support
GSM/GPRS communicator - Scope of work: - co-working for ID - CAD rendering - Mechanical engineering - Contacts with the Customer and vendors - Electronics components slection and procurement chain arrangement - Project's planning (development and prototypes manufacturing) - Prototypes assembly and testing
Air Revitalizer - 3D modeling in Pro/E, rendering using V-Ray.