ChapStick Pirates PDQ Concept Rendering
ChapStick Counter Unit Concept Rendering
Centrum Ultra Pallet Rendering
Claritin Pallet Concept Rendering - An early concept rendering created in Strata 3DX. Used in a campaign to re-emphasize Claritin's non-drowsy formula over it's competitors. This new selling point was demonstrated by using shadow boxes of acetate and lug-ons to convey clarity and freedom.
Anti-Theft PDQ Presentation
Centrum Ultra Wingstand Concept Rendering - OMA 2010 Silver Award Winner
Advil PM Wing Full-Scale Mock
Centrum Wingstand Full-Scale Mock
Green & Black Wingstand Full-Scale Mock
Lamisil Wing Full-Scale Mock - 2007 Design of the Times Award winner.
Centrum Ultra Wingstand Concept Mock
Multibionta Relaunch Counter Unit - Relaunch due to product acquisition by Pfizer (Wyeth Pharmaceuticals)
Dove Men WingStand
ChapStick Vanity Aisle CounterUnit A - Concept Rendering
Point of Purchase
H. Adam Dougherty
Apparel Graphic Designer Baltimore, MD