Rimal Magazine, a a saudi online magazine for women.
John Kairouz coaching and consulting, corporate website
Turning Point is an online digital book and library shopping platform based in lebanon
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A digital campaign for a women empowerment workshop, that creates awareness and gives practical application on how to spot, defend and protect themselves from predators, thieves, burglars or even aggressors at work or home.
A digital campaign for a women empowerment workshop, that creates awareness and gives practical application on how to spot, defend and protect themselves from predators, thieves, burglars or even aggressors at work or home.
A digital campaign for a women empowerment workshop, that creates awareness and gives practical application on how to spot, defend and protect themselves from predators, thieves, burglars or even aggressors at work or home.Enter Your Description Here
A digital campaign for a women empowerment workshop, that creates awareness and gives practical application on how to spot, defend and protect themselves from predators, thieves, burglars or even aggressors at work or home.
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Wassim Abdallah
UI/UX Designer Nice, France