Youngry - Problem Childhood obesity is one of the most critical issues that effects our future, but quick and healthy foods geared toward children are not readily available. Solution Youngry is a fast food company with kids in mind. All food is organic, low-fat and most importantly already prepared. The box lunches are available in Youngry chain stores as well as grocery stores. Youngry is competing with Lunchables and Happy Meals as a healthy choice for parents food-in-a-hurry dollar.
The Life and Faith Series - Problem When going through a major life experience we often turn to faith. However, it may be hard to find insight into your specific situation, especially if you are exploring a religion you are unfamiliar with. Solution The Life and Faith Series combines different faiths and divides them not by individual religion, but by universal human experiences. Closely cropped images of the human form representing each concept are thought provoking while remaining religiously neutral.
GreenCity - Motion graphics to be displayed in subway tunnels for an multi-media campaign to make Chicagoans more aware of the cities commitment to sustainability.
Glimpse - Glimpse is a bi-monthly electronic news magazine distributed by HP to its employees to keep them abreast of the newest trends in technology and latest discoveries HP has made. Completed at internship at IA Collaborative.
One Love - Problem When it comes to adoption there is a lot of information out there for a couple to sort out. However same-sex parents aren’t offered many information options geared specifically towards them. Solution One Love makes the process a little easier by giving a general overview of what to expect and how to start the long process of adoption. The use of simplified symbols creates an element of commonality that expresses a universal family experience.
Clare - Clare will revolutionize the health care industry and needs to be introduced to the public in a clear way. In an integrated campaign using print and TV, Clare is marketed not as a replacement pharmacist or doctor, but a bridge between the pharmaceutical world and you. A knowledgeable friend who is on your side and there for you when you when you feel that no one else is.
Portfolio Samples
Adjoa Opoku
Communications Designer Chicago, IL