9 Dots R2--February 4, 2016
9 Dots R2--February 4, 2016
9 Dots

The first attempt at this exercise instructed us to connect the dots without lifting our pencil. My thought process was that this was too simple, and to connect them in the quickest, most efficient way possible. Many of our connections were similar. After the "right" answer was shown, we learned the point of the exercise was to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX. My initial thoughts behind this: while this is a good message, without instructions to be creative, why take time and energy to complete a simple task.

The second iteration instructed us to connect the dots in any way possible. Since we already knew we were supposed to think outside the box, all of our connections were different. I folded the paper to connect the dots with each other. My original thought was the were already connected by simply being on the paper.

Abigail Stall
CCA306 "Book" Oxford, OH