Case Study - 1 - The project started with conceptual layout of components in order to determine the overall packaging and size. Product ergonomics was the main consideration behind the layout. Initial explorations were aimed at enhancing the brand perception while following the design language system and brand DNA.
Case Study - 1 - After settling with the desired aesthetic direction, form variations are tried through CAD and foam mock-ups to compliment the design. Conceptual engineering details are worked out for crank opening/closing and retractable cable mechanism. Component layout is then finalized with mutual agreement with client.
Case Study - 1 - Color options and CMF are formulated for different product variations.
Case Study - 1 - Rapid Prototypes are done for approval of aesthetic design.
Case Study 1 - Hand Crank Charger

Design of a Hand-crank cellphone charger and LED flashlight

Abhinav Tiwari
Product Designer Mountain View, CA