Rome Operative Ticket - Front - This is the back of the Operative Ticket for Rome SDS in the 2011/2012 season. These tickets were given to Rome employees, snowboard instructors, and sales representatives. Each color represents a different discount awarded depending on your relationship to the company.
Rome Operative Ticket - Front - This is the back of the Operative Ticket for Rome SDS in the 2011/2012 season. These tickets were given to Rome employees, snowboard instructors, and sales representatives. Each color represents a different discount awarded depending on your relationship to the company.
Am-Army - Am-Army rider profile pictures that I had to crop and edit to keep consistency with the rest the Rome Website. My attempts were to keep similar lighting, size of the rider, and tucking the names to the corner of the images.
Rome SDS
Adam Berthiaume
Product Specialist at Grappone Automotive Group Plymouth, NH