IZZE Sparkling Apple 4 Bottle Carrier redesign - Created a simple design for the IZZE 4-bottle pack that clearly reflects the product, a natural sparkling fruit juice.
Pall Mall packing redesign exploratory concepts - RJ Reynolds sought out to re-brand Pall Mall cigarettes, but were not sure what direction to take. The set of designs on the left explore a "Classic, Historic" direction, featuring a photo of Pall Mall street in London, and wax seals with the Pall Mall brand seal inside. The set of designs on the right explore a "Simple Cheap Chic" feel, with a modernized brand seal watermarked behind the logo.
Fresh Eggs – egg carton label design - I was commissioned to create this piece for an existing client (Proper Gardens) who also happens to raise chickens and give their eggs to friends and family. This is a non-commercial design; she just wanted to give away the eggs a prettier package!
Abbey Ley
Graphic Designer/Illustrator Brooklyn, NY