City Library Den Bosch

Den Bosch City Library

The Netherlands, 2005. Bibliotheek Den Bosch. (Con)temporary city library renovation project with delightful interior.

Outdated city library awaiting new building needs to stay tuned with its customers in the meantime.

Create an up-to-date look & feel for current building without spending too much money. Experiment with new features.

Invite customers to rediscover the building they already know by using bright colors and innovative lighting. Every department has its own color, special carpets highlight new library features. Use the scent of coffee to seduce clients to spend more time within.

A contemporary blend of an old library building and a modern library organization as an interesting journey through time and media with colorful views.

Did you know?
Although this library interior design was meant to last for only five years till the year 2000, it still is in good shape today.

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Aat Vos
Architect @ aatvos Donderen, Netherlands