Barnhouse Bovensmilde

Bovensmilde Barnhouse and Dental Practice

The Netherlands, 2008. Schuurhuis / Tandartspraktijk Bovensmilde. A bold dental practice, connecting traditions and modernity.

Dental practice needs a new building – that can be transformed into a home some day.

Create a contemporary building that blends traditional forms with modern architecture.

Reinterpretation of a classic barn. Think of a farm as a multi purpose building, that shows its usage by the shape of its doors. Interconnect it with its environment through the use of color.

A remarkable modest, yet outstanding building. Its interior, now housing a dental practice, can be easily transformed into a house. Extreme change of presence when wet.

Did you know?
The corten steel cladding was specially designed for this purpose. When dry, its orange color blends with traditional brick of the houses next door. When wet, its black color is just as dark as the roof tiles of the neighboring barns.

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Aat Vos
Architect @ aatvos Donderen, Netherlands