Alternativity 5 Album Cover - A series of annual Christmas gifts for friends presents opportunities for variations on the same theme.
Alternativity 5 Album Interior - A series of annual Christmas gifts for friends presents opportunities for variations on the same theme.
Alternativity 7 Album Cover - A series of annual Christmas gifts for friends presents opportunities for variations on the same theme.
Alternativity 7 Album Interior - A series of annual Christmas gifts for friends presents opportunities for variations on the same theme.
Alternativity 7 Album Reverse - A series of annual Christmas gifts for friends presents opportunities for variations on the same theme.
Alternativity 8 Album Cover - A series of annual Christmas gifts for friends presents opportunities for variations on the same theme.
Alternativity 8 Album Reverse - A series of annual Christmas gifts for friends presents opportunities for variations on the same theme.
Alternativity 9 Album Cover - A series of annual Christmas gifts for friends presents opportunities for variations on the same theme.
Alternativity: Nice & Naughty Album Cover - A series of annual Christmas gifts for friends presents opportunities for variations on the same theme.
Alternativity 11 Album Cover - A series of annual Christmas gifts for friends presents opportunities for variations on the same theme.
Freelance, Moonlighting
Aaron Maurer
Graphic Designer and Illustrator Chicago, IL