Wild Animal Design

In a sarcastic way the fictitious ad for the PROshark PROsthesis tries to bring together to contrary needs of man: the worldwide desire for shark finn soup as a status symbol and wish to act in a 'correct' way.
The request for shark finn soup increases permanently while at the same time the shark stocks decrease. The interdependency between shark and human is ignored: the shark is at the top position in the ocean's food chain and supports its balance.
The PROsthesis pretends to provide a solution for this problem, another world-improving product that meshes the desire for soup with the improvement of the sharks life.
But still, is a new product - be it innovative, technologically advanced or ecologically friendly - able to save the shark stocks or may simple abdication be a better solution?

The project has been exhibited at the designxport popup festival in Hamburg, 2012.