Name card for BODYMED. BODYMED is a clinic owned by a life-style-management consultant that practices a holistic approach to treating obesity and other weight related problems. The watercolour effect was used to bring out a slightly playful organic feel. The BODYMED font used was in contrast to the apple to achieve a clean, straight-forward and serious feel to balance the lightness of the apple. If specifically used an apples as it is is a symbol of health.
GOLF HOUND Logo designed for an app that searches for matches for professional golfers to play in their vicinity.
Name Card for Golf Hound
This line of products as the name suggest is to cleanse oneself. The approach of this logo was a play on "toilet humour". The products are for a target audience ages between 24 to 40. Young adults who are mostly on the go.
Logos & their process

Logo design for various clients

Anshu Merani
Graphic Designer Freelance Singapore, Singapore