Major Design Project - Back Massager
Major Design Project - Back Massager
Major Design Project - Back Massager
mould top - Design a small "give-away" product that will promote a particular brand/company/product that can be injection moulded. the product is to be manufactured using 2.5D machining processes and must not weigh over 28 grams. Design: chewing gum container that clips on the end of chewing gum packets, and acts as a small bin as to prevent throwing it on the floor, or under a desk.
mould bottom - Design a small "give-away" product that will promote a particular brand/company/product that can be injection moulded. the product is to be manufactured using 2.5D machining processes and must not weigh over 28 grams. Design: chewing gum container that clips on the end of chewing gum packets, and acts as a small bin as to prevent throwing it on the floor, or under a desk.
inserts - Design a small "give-away" product that will promote a particular brand/company/product that can be injection moulded. the product is to be manufactured using 2.5D machining processes and must not weigh over 28 grams. Design: chewing gum container that clips on the end of chewing gum packets, and acts as a small bin as to prevent throwing it on the floor, or under a desk.
Exploded View - Design a small "give-away" product that will promote a particular brand/company/product that can be injection moulded. the product is to be manufactured using 2.5D machining processes and must not weigh over 28 grams. Design: chewing gum container that clips on the end of chewing gum packets, and acts as a small bin as to prevent throwing it on the floor, or under a desk.
teaching project
Reverse Engineered Cork Screw - showing CAD skills in various advanced modelling techniques to reverse engineer a current ptoduct.
Stanley FatMax Cartridge knife re-design - Primarily CAD driven project given by Stanley tools, to re-design their current knives (shown; left) to remove a locking tab and replace with a locking wheel. This is a photo of the old product next to the new design due to be released onto the market.
50 Blade dispenser re-design (Project Leader) - I was made project leader for these product modifications, and given a team of highly qualified engineers. On the left, is a current blade dispenser pack, driven by a spring clamping the blades in place. The re-design on the right has removed the spring, and is now powered by a simple rack and pinion. The sliding tab at the bottom has also been altered around ergonomic design to make it easier for the user to push a blade out.
50 blade dispenser re-design (Project Leader) - More modifications to the back of the pack, to remove the belt clip but to keep the logo on. These design modifications make the pack cheaper to produce, as there are fewer parts, easier and safer for mass production and assembly.
Sketchwork collaboration
Injection Moulded Chewing Gum holder
various work
Anthony Gosnay
Design Engineer - Dyson Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom