USB MedicAlert Bracelet - Eddie Bauer Competition 2007 - Preliminary sketch of a design for a USB MedicAlert Bracelet containing the users entire medical history as well as family related information that could aid in treatment.
USB MedicAlert - Eddie Bauer Competition 2007 - The remaining preliminary sketches of various designs including: USB MedicAlert Watch, Bracelet and Necklace
INSITU Competition - 2007 - Very rough ideation sketches for a cafe chair. Competition required the design of a stackable yet stylish cafe chair to fit into the Toronto cafe scene.
INSITU Competition - 2007 - Further ideation sketches, focused mainly on design.
3D Design Project - Humber College 2007 - Ideation sketches for a Headlight to be designed and rendered in Solidworks.
3D Design - Humber College 2007 - Sketch of final design for the Headlight to be designed in Solidworks.
Various Sketches