Enterprise of the Twin Nebulae - This is a themed painting relating to Star Trek. It was done entirely in photoshop from scratch, the ship is a photo of a hand-built model coloured and shaded to fit.
By the Light of the Moons - Done entirely in Photoshop. While it looks extremely difficult, it took a matter of only 45 minutes to an hour to complete.
The Planetary Duet - Also done with Photoshop, the two planets are mini-projects in themselves, done with Photoshop, and placed into a larger scene.
The Solitary Sister - The sister planet to Earth, this portrait of Mars was done in Photoshop using several layer and embossing techniques to give a feeling of depth and distance. The first of two planets created for the previous scene.
A Grain Of Sand - A portrayal of a planet much like Earth, the second planet of two designed for the scene "The Planetary Duet". The same techniques were used as for the first planet, however with different orders and values. Done completely in Photoshop.
Starburst Nebula
Lunar Vision
Scenic Portrayals