Low Impact Animation School - Animation school designed for fast set up, dismantling and expansion. Utilizes natural ventilation and light.
Low Impact Animation School - Animation school designed for fast set up, dismantling and expansion. Utilizes natural ventilation and light.
Low Impact Animation School - Animation school designed for fast set up, dismantling and expansion. Utilizes natural ventilation and light.
Low Impact Animation School - Animation school designed for fast set up, dismantling and expansion. Utilizes natural ventilation and light.
Low Impact Animation School - Animation school designed for fast set up, dismantling and expansion. Utilizes natural ventilation and light.
Low Impact Animation School - Animation school designed for fast set up, dismantling and expansion. Utilizes natural ventilation and light.
Low Impact Animation School - Animation school designed for fast set up, dismantling and expansion. Utilizes natural ventilation and light.
Low Impact Animation School
Z.X. Siow
Architectural Designer Singapore, Singapore