Illustrations, photographs and paintings Illustrations, photographs and paintings from Yassaman Assa Illustrations, photographs and paintings oil on canvas Photography for advertising Mondrian's window Illustration for the book "The Pledge", color pencil Illustration - Watercolor - Illustration for the poem: "Where is the house of the friend?" by Sohrab Sepehri Poppies - Painting - Acrylic on canvas Squares, Spirals and Tulips - Acrylic on canvas Illustration and design - Illustration and design for cassette tape insert. Symphony No. 39 and symphony No. 40 by Mozart Ladybug in her golden castle - Acrylic on canvas vector illustration Waiting behind the rain Watercolor on cardboard illustration for t-shirt gLike Illustrations, photographs and paintings Graphic Design Share R 7 n Yassaman Assa About me! Toronto, Canada Follow Contact