Digital Retouching Portraiture - Please note all photographs are artistic property of and originated from the Professional Photographers of In-Focus Photography.
Digital Retouching Portraiture - Please note all photographs are artistic property of and originated from the Professional Photographers of In-Focus Photography.
Digital Retouching Portraiture - Please note all photographs are artistic property of and originated from the Professional Photographers of In-Focus Photography.
Digital Retouching Portraiture - Please note all photographs are artistic property of and originated from the Professional Photographers of In-Focus Photography.
Digital Retouching Portraiture (see detail of hair at jaw & shoulder) - Please note all photographs are artistic property of and originated from the Professional Photographers of In-Focus Photography.
Digital Retouching Portraiture - Please note all photographs are artistic property of and originated from the Professional Photographers of In-Focus Photography.
Digital Retouching Portraiture - Please note all photographs are artistic property of and originated from the Professional Photographers of In-Focus Photography.
Digital Retouching Portraiture - Please note all photographs are artistic property of and originated from the Professional Photographers of In-Focus Photography.
Digital Retouching Portraiture - Please note all photographs are artistic property of and originated from the Professional Photographers of In-Focus Photography.
Digital Retouching Portraiture - Please note all photographs are artistic property of and originated from the Professional Photographers of In-Focus Photography.
Digital Retouching Portraiture - Please note all photographs are artistic property of and originated from the Professional Photographers of In-Focus Photography.
Digital Photo Restoration - Please note all clientele photographs are artistic property of and originated from the Professional Photographers of In-Focus Photography. This photo exemplifies the typical breakdown of values of light and dark and color (sepia in this case) of many antique photos.
Digital Photo Restoration - Please note all clientele photographs are artistic property of and originated from the Professional Photographers of In-Focus Photography. Precious wedding photography can be saved from degradation over time with the selective enhancing of light & dark and saturation of color. You'll notice certain areas of the natural edge of the photo were not filled in, as this would not have kept to the authenticity of the original photo's state.
Digital Photo Restoration - Please note all clientele photographs are artistic property of and originated from the Professional Photographers of In-Focus Photography. In this photo countless tiny scratches & dust were removed and the values were selectively deepened or enhanced to give clarity and perspective to the outdoor scene and subjects.
Digital Photo Restoration - This photograph of my Great Grandma Inga was restored in the background mainly, for the subject of the portrait was intact except for minor surface imperfections i.e., scratches & dust. It is quite critical to maintain the authenticity or the overall look and feel of the original.
Digital Photo Restoration - The above photograph proves that with diligent sampling from areas of a photo a major defacing scratch can be completely removed while not altering the original composition of the photo. The background posed a challenge to maintain patterning & color while removing many years of wear.
Digital Photo Restoration - This assignment required all the tools in my arsenal. It had such major repair work necessary in the form of massive mildew and water damage, rust colored stains, missing surface color and tears in the paper. In certain cases I had to reconstruct parts of the image.
Digital Photo Restoration - Please note all clientele photographs are artistic property of and originated from the Professional Photographers of In-Focus Photography. Even surface texture meant to enhance a photo can be softened for the purpose of print reproduction. In this case some surface damage was repaired & the paper tooth softened.
Digital Retouching & Restoration
Wendy Kellogg
Graphic Design, Print Production & Digital Image Editing Phelps, WI