Personal Business Card Design 2017
Fictitious webpage design 2006
Simple Business Card Design 2017
Completed Illustrations

Design using Photoshop CS6 and Illustrator CS6.
I. Image 1 used gradients, one drawing uploaded and crop in Photoshop, and silhouette styles 2D painting using Illustrator soft and hard brush strokes.
II. Image 2 uses gradients set on a plan black background and on forward ground text, picture art, and one brush stroke of green.
III. Image 3 uses all components of gradients, fills, crops, drawings, drop shadows, effects of clouds darken to resemble smoke, burn for the entire image to give it a dirty yet colorful appeal.
IV. Image 4 is a pure drawing loaded into Photoshop and using only Photoshop motion blurs, crop and cut of white on black, and coloring of in image items and shadows.
V. Image 5 was also design using the same concept and programs as image 1, with a different background, height, and width

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Orlando Magana
Illustration Designer Brooklyn, NY