This is my line gesture that I did of the manikin. I used a regular pencil, a line gesture is often very expressive and allow one the freedom to loosen up and not worry about small details. Gesture drawings are an ideal way to warm up.
This is a Scribble Gesture drawing that I did of the beautiful manikin. Scribble gestures are when you take your drawing tool ( in this case I used my regular pencil) and you basically use scribbles to draw ( there like little loops.)
I did this Blind contour of the little manikin. This is basically when you close your eyes and you draw your object. It doesn't have to be good these types of drawings enhance one’s eye-hand coordination and create a better awareness of changes of form and space.
This big old mass gesture I did of the manikin was very weird. The reason being is that in a mass gesture drawing you want to draw quickly and capture the shape and solidity of the object/ figure.

This are some of my sketches that I did in year 7th and 8th.