This is one of my prints that I did. MY goal in making this is showing that life has its loops and ups and downs ( those are the swirls.) And life is also rough ( why i made the letters kind of scratched.) But no matter what happen you can get through it. The items I used to make this was a bench hook ( to carve), gouger ( to also carve), a baren ( to make print more eligible), and ink tray ( to put the ink in), and a brayer ( to put the ink in the ink tray.)
This is the ghost print that I did. What a ghost print is a light visible image in a screen caused by former art or ink from earlier use of the screen.
This is another print that I made. I basically just doodled on this one it doesn't have any meaning to it sadly. It didn't come out as good as i thought because I didn't use a baren. But you do all the same steps like the last print except in the begging you use puff paint on a piece of wood ( you may need to sand it down first.) But then you put the ink on then you use the baren and make the print.
This is the ghost print from the last print. You do the same thing like the first print I did. Very simple and easy to do.

These are the prints that I did in year 8th.