Conveyor Rescue Boat

Most of the existing rescue boats have high hulls so they use small life boat to pick up drowning people. Using these life boats have some problems such as picking up a few numbers of people in each loading because of their small space which can increase the rate of victims specially when there are a large number of people at the sea., in addition boat may face imbalance while loading and it takes times.
Conveyor Rescue Boat uses a conveyor mechanism to bring many people to the rescue boat and commence first aid faster and easier. The conveyor rotation also increases maneuver ability. This conveyor can even pick numbed bodies or fainted people because of it’s zigzag belt surface. For safety and more convenient, the belt is made of soft rubber. Operator controls the conveyor via a remote controller and when the mission is done the conveyor can be fold.

Vahidian Design
Industrial design Albuquerque, NM