Isaiah and the Chocolate Mountain

PROJECT: Children's Book -- "Isaiah and the Chocolate Mountain," by Valerie Williams-Sanchez
OBJECTIVE: While 37% in the U.S. are people of color, recent data shows less than 10% of kid's books feature multicultural content. ICM looks to add to this category an uplifting story about a multiracial child.
TARGET AUDIENCE: Children of all ages who can appreciate a story of a multicultural child.
PURPOSE: To write, fund, publish and profit from the sale and distribution of this original children's book
STYLE & TONE: Written to be read aloud and illustrated with vibrant and colorful, folk art-inspired drawings, ICM show be a fun time.
COPY POINTS: Here's the story. Isaiah’s birthday goes terribly wrong when Auntie gives him the thing he loathes — chocolate! Disappointed and angry, Isaiah storms out of the house and into an adventure. In the end, he learns how resourceful he can be, and how much his Auntie loves him.
CALL TO ACTION: Book your pre-sales of this book – Today!

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Valerie Williams-Sanchez
Creative and Strategic Content, Marketing Communications Palisades, NY