The VOID - Keeps his face covered because he does not have one..! Yes, it is purposely...
Out of the Depths Angel - The pumpkin patch and crypt scene light up. Took me about a week to create all the pieces. The crypt is about 5 1/2" long & 2 1/2" wide...
Graveyard & Crypt - No graveyard would be complete without the "Book of the Dead"...
Graveyard & Crypt - Kinda blurry. Sorry... Using cell camera.
Sculptures - Here's a scene in the dark. Creepy...
Pumpkin Patch - The scarecrow has to be one of my favorite pieces. The big pumkin's lid comes off to reveal a skull, maggots and stuff...
Pumpkin Patch - The crows...
Little Beth - She stands about 3" tall. Scarecrow maybe 6 1/2".
Werewolf Clan prototype head - Project I'm currently working on. Putting the hair on was the hardest part...
The VOID - The full body sculpture is a character of mine called "The Void". He stands about 10". He took about a week.
The VOID - Self hardening clay and wire. Wire for skeletal purposes.
The VOID - Sword was just a throw-on.
David Carter
Graphic Design, AAS / Web Design Greenwood, IN